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Side Quest

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Borrowdale > Heron Crags > Upper Crag > Side Quest 10m E3 6a ☆ 06.08.2024, Will Rhodes & Chris Morris

JP Rules

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Borrowdale > Falcon Crag - Upper Crag > JP Rules 21m E6 17.07.2023, James McHaffie, Ben Bransby

Route Feedback: Fool’s Paradise


Borrowdale > Gowder Crag > Route Feedback: Fool's Paradise

Ian’s Day Off

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Borrowdale > Dalt Quarry > Ian’s Day Off 9m HVS 5a 04.08.1995, Ian Hazzard

The Daily Planet

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Borrowdale > Paper crag > The Daily Planet 23m E3 5c ☆☆☆ 04.03.2023, Tim Millen, Scott Quinn

Important note about parking for Shepherd’s Crag

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Friday 16th October. The parking for Shepherds Crag at Lodore Farm is closed. Please look to park elsewhere: Kettlewell or Bowderstone car parks are the closest. Alternatively park in Keswick and take the bus bus or cycle. We need to respectful of the owner’s decision. The Lakes area access reps are hoping to meet with […]


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Borrowdale > Quayfoot Buttress > Morceau 45m HVS 5a ☆☆ 28.07.2022, Bodecott/Absalom

Route Feedback: Morceau

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Borrowdale > Quayfoot Buttress > Route Feedback: Morceau ★★

Route Feedback: Mad Dogs and Englishmen

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Borrowdale > Gillercombe > Route Feedback: Mad Dogs and Englishmen